Survey for 2020 Practice Analysis


Every 5 years for the past several decades, the NBCE has surveyed the chiropractic profession in the U.S., analyzed the data and informed the chiropractic community and general public of the results. Previously conducted NBCE’s Practice Analysis of Chiropractic 2010 and 2015 are available at

These reports summarize the practice of chiropractic providing nationally-representative findings as they are based on the responses of DCs from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. They help determine the content of NBCE’s exams, and they also provide state associations and legislatures with an updated summary of the current practice of chiropractic.

This year, the survey is available online, by invitation to all DCs. The survey is confidential, and responses are not linked to specific participants. All graduates of chiropractic programs are encouraged to provide input, whether or not they are currently practicing chiropractic. The online survey requires approximately 20 minutes to complete – this is a vitally important project for the chiropractic profession, and we hope all DCs can find some time to participate.