Chiropractic Colleges

Accredited colleges train future chiropractors in the philosophy and methods required to be a successful practitioner. Colleges are valued partners of the NBCE.

College Curricula

College curricula dictate the exam content for Parts I and II. The NBCE developed exams that verify students have obtained the necessary knowledge and skills to practice the art and science of chiropractic. The NBCE regularly gathers information about what is being taught at chiropractic colleges and adjust test subjects accordingly.

Delphi Studies

One of the methods the NBCE uses to determine exam content is the Delphi study, an exercise in group communication that uses a series of questionnaires to gather data. Using the Delphi method, researchers compile data and then modify their questionnaire to reflect responses. College faculty supply input on exam topics through Delphi studies.The NBCE repeats the process until researchers feels they have reached a consensus among the experts.

Test Committees

The NBCE relies on the assistance of experts in creating its exams. College faculty members serve on test committees for the Part I (basic sciences) and Part II (clinical sciences) exams. Faculty members use their expertise to analyze and evaluate the content of these exams.

Test Sites

The NBCE administers its Part I, II, III, IV and Physiotherapy exams at college campuses several times per year. NBCE staff work closely with campus personnel to assure an excellent testing experience for examinees.

Support of Chiropractic Research

Colleges benefit from the NBCE’s support of chiropractic research. The NBCE sponsors the annual Association of Chiropractic Colleges Research Agenda Conference awards. The awards are dedicated to advancing the chiropractic profession through scientific research that expands chiropractic’s future in health care.